Friday 17 February 2012

Last Contact- Isabel Ferreira
I wanted to take a closer look at this piece because it is actually a digital print, not a photograph or a painting.  Lately I've been a bit horrified/fascinated by the proliferation of digitally adjusted cat photos that abound on the internet.  This print gives hope to those who romanticize Photoshop as an artistic tool- Ferreira has used the medium to aestheticize her image, adding texture and interest, unifying the colour scheme and streamlining the composition.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Illustration- Brian Drucker
I saw Brian Drucker's art in the movie It's Kind of a Funny Story.  He creates the images that the main character in the film draws while learning to deal with depression (spoiler alert: not really a funny story).  His cityscapes twist and splay out into the background in a romantic organized chaos, intertwining line and redefining design.  Love the sketchy line style, which gives it a great unpolished aesthetic.  Thank you, Brian Drucker, for throwing a bone to notebook doodlers everywhere!  Also, please hook me up with a sweet movie art gig.  

The Singing Butler- Jack Vettriano
Jack Vettriano turns putting paint on the canvas into a sexual act.  The vibrant colour, the juicy splash of red, the flow of the composition... In a word, lust.  Or maybe I'm just lusting over that foxy red dress.